Nutfield Wellbeing - Reiki
"From toe turning balances to gentle flows, Sandie's yoga classes are a total breath of joy. Her Reiki practice was a godsend, seeing me through a particularly difficult period, physically and mentally, with restorative and healing sessions".
Bob, Tadworth
Reiki Treatments
Reiki treatments provide an opportunity for you to totally relax and rebalance, in a safe and caring environment. In addition, Reiki helps the body to reach an inner state of harmony on all levels, physically, mentally and spiritually. As well as helping many physical ailments, it can also promote the changing of any negative mental habits, turning these into more positive and productive thought patterns.
Reiki energy is gentle to receive, yet a powerful form of healing and the benefits can be felt immediately on all levels.
Reiki has grown in popularity over the last few years and is practiced by many holistic practitioners. It has become widely recognised by conventional doctors and consultants, resulting in some hospitals encouraging Reiki practitioners to work alongside doctors to help their patients.
Who are Reiki Treatments suitable for?
As a natural healing system, Reiki treatments are suitable for everyone, from young babies through to adults as it is a safe, non-invasive treatment. It can be used alongside other complementary therapies or conventional medicine.
Reiki can be administered on a treatment couch or sitting in a chair, therefore making it an easy treatment to receive. Treatments are fantastic for people who just want to de-stress or for those who may be suffering from an illness or injury.
Reiki can be used as a preventative treatment, helping to keep your body, mind and emotions in balance.
There are no known contra-indications to receiving a Reiki treatment. However, as a professional practitioner, I will always take a brief medical history from you before treatment begins and if there are any concerns, I will discuss them with you at this point.
If you have a medical problem, please discuss this with me during the initial contact. I am more than happy to work alongside your doctor or consultant, respecting any medical regime you may currently be following. Reiki complements both traditional medical practice and other complementary therapies, however serious the condition may be.
There are no guarantees of being able to cure you completely using Reiki, although there are countless cases where this has occurred. Whatever you may wish to have treatment for, Reiki will definitely help in some way, on so many levels. Once improvements have been noticed, it may also be time to look at ways of helping yourself to remain in this improved state e.g. Changing old negative ways of thinking, improving ways of dealing with stress, improving your diet, getting more exercise and so on.
Benefits of Reiki
Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful form of healing and the benefits are felt on all levels.
As a natural healing system, it can benefit everyone, from young babies to adults and is a safe, non-invasive treatment. It can be used alongside other complementary therapies or conventional medicine. Reiki can be given on a treatment couch or sitting in a chair, therefore making it an easy treatment to receive.
Reiki helps the body to reach an inner state of harmony, physically, mentally and spiritually. As well as helping many physical ailments, it can also promote the changing of any negative mental habits, turning these into more positive and productive thought patterns. Once we begin to think more positively, our lives and our health become more positive too.
How is a Reiki Treatment carried out?
Before your Reiki treatment commences, I will take a brief lifestyle and medical history from you. This will inform me of your current health and whether you are currently taking any medication. It will also tell me why you have come for treatment.
Please remember that all the information you give is held in the strictest confidence.
If this is your first experience of a Reiki treatment, I will explain how the treatment will be carried out and ask whether you have any questions at this point. After this, you will be asked to remove your shoes and be invited to lie down, fully clothed, on a very comfortable treatment couch, where you will also be covered with a blanket. If you find lying down for prolonged periods difficult, I am more than happy to treat you sitting in a chair. I will invite you to close your eyes and begin to relax into the experience. There will be soothing music playing softly in the background and the room will be softly lit, to enhance the experience.
The Reiki energy will now be flowing through my hands and I will begin to very lightly place my hands over the energy points on your body, sometimes touching you and other times keeping my hands just above your body. Reiki treatments are non-intrusive; therefore you will feel comfortable at all times throughout the treatment. At each energy point, my hands will remain still for a few minutes and you may feel heat or cold coming from my hands, which is a very calming and soothing feeling. At the end of the treatment, you will be offered some water and we can discuss your experience of receiving Reiki healing.
Reiki treatments have to be experienced as words cannot justify how wonderful this healing energy truly is.
Cost & Offers for Reiki Treatments
Initial consultation and treatment
£65 (90 mins)
Subsequent treatments
£45 (60 mins)
Special Offers
Special offer 3 treatments
Initial Consultation and two treatments - £130 payable in advance
Please contact me to arrange
Special offer Buy 5 get 1 FREE
Initial treatment and 5 follow up treatments £200 payable in advance
Please contact me to arrange
Corporate Stress Management
Please contact me to discuss
Terms and Conditions of Booking and Payment
Note: Cancellation fees apply if cancelled within 24 hours of the treatment
Under 16’s must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
Please call me to discuss any concessions that may apply
I also offer treatments to the terminally ill, free of charge.